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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together


Music Madness!

Year 4 started their music lessons with Mr Rudkin this week, building on their ukulele skills from last year. They made a strong start and I'm looking forward to seeing their progress throughout the year!

Roman Research

To begin our new history topic this term, we worked in groups to research different aspects of Roman life. We found out about what food they ate, how they dressed, where they lived and how they looked after themselves. Not only that but we also produced some super posters to present our ideas to the rest of the class. Take a look at how we got on below:


Super Science!

Our Science topic this term is States of Matter. We began by exploring solids and liquids, using our observation skills to record the differences between some balloons. One was filled with ice and one with water - what happened when we cut open the outer skin? Well, water poured everywhere and we got soaked! But, we also noticed that the ice stayed stable and rigid. Using these observations, we were able to define what solids and liquids are which will help later on in our states of matter journey!

Place Value

We have been exploring place value in Maths this half-term and are growing in confidence when working with 4-digit numbers. Take a look at some of work below:




Author Visit

This week, we were lucky enough to have a virtual visit from children's author and CBeebies writer, Emily Dodds. She shared her latest story with us, Surfing the Moon, and got us drawing chalk moons as we listened. At the end of the session, there was also time for some questions. Year 4 came up with some great ones! What inspired you to become an author? How long does it take to write a book? Have a look at the photos below to see what we got up:

Rotten Romans!

This week, we went on a school trip, all the way to Housesteads Roman Fort in Northumberland. After exploring an ancient Roman fort, we then met Rufus Aelius Victor, a legionary soldier from the Roman Army. He taught us a few army drills, a little bit of Latin and explained what life was like as a Roman soldier. A couple of 'lucky' Year 4's also got to dress up as legionary and auxillary soldiers...

Dodgeball Competition

A team of Year 4's were invited to take part in an inter-school dodgeball tournament this week. After a close competition, with only a few points in it, we finished in a very respectable 5th place. I was so impressed with our team as they shook hands with each of their competitors after every round - super sportsmanship! A great time was had by all and they certainly did Newburn proud.

Egg-cellent Egg Landers!


Kielder Observatory came to visit us this week and set us a very special challenge. Could we stop an egg from breaking if it was dropped from a height? Working in small groups, we designed and made some egg landers. Each one was different and we had varying levels of success... See how we got on below (look out for the splattered eggs!)


Year 4 took part in Bikeability and completed their Level 1 training which was all about controlling your cycle in traffic free environments. It was a bitterly cold day but we wrapped up and learnt some valuable new skills.



This term we have been looking at rivers and the water cycle. We are really impressing with our use of vocabulary in this topic. Last lesson, we moved around the room asking each other to define a key word. If our friends weren't sure, we would teach them the definition using our  'Teach Me, Tell Me' cards. Then we put our new knowledge to the test as we worked in groups to match the photographs to the correct words. So, what is a confluence? What is a tributary? Just ask Year 4 to find out!
