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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Identification, Assessment, Planning and Review Arrangements


Identification, Assessment, Planning and Review Arrangements:

Newburn Manor follows the graduated approach of assess, plan, do and review as outlined in the Code of Practice (2014). This approach is embedded in whole school practice for all pupils and every teacher is responsible for ‘adapting teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils’. (Teachers’ Standards 2012)

School assessment data, teacher judgments and, where appropriate, assessments from outside agencies are used to identify pupils who require additional and different provision. A provision map outlines support for all pupils across the school, including support for pupils at SEN support and it is updated each half term.


There are 4 broad areas of need:

  • Communication and interaction

  • Cognition and learning

  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

  • Sensory and/or physical needs


The following are not SEN but may impact on progress and attainment:

  • Disability (the Code of Practice outlines the “reasonable adjustment” duty for all settings and schools provided under current Disability Equality legislation – these alone do not constitute SEN). 
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Health and welfare
  • English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Receipt of pupil premium
  • Being a child in care
  • Being a child of service personnel
  • Behaviour (any concerns relating to a child’s behaviour may be due to an underlying response to a particular need which should be investigated).



SEN support – four part cycle


The identification of SEN is built into the overall approach to monitoring the progress and development of all pupils in school. Termly pupil progress meetings support the early identification of pupils who may have SEN. Where concerns are identified an initial concerns checklist is completed and discussed with the SENCO.



The class teacher, working with the SENCO, will carry out a clear analysis of a pupil’s needs. This assessment will be reviewed regularly. Where appropriate, professionals will help to inform the assessment. Parents will be asked to contribute to the assessment. If it is thought that a pupil may have SEN, concerns will be raised by the class teacher. The class teacher will be asked to complete an ‘Initial Checklist’ and hand this to the SENC0. This form will be shared with parents and carers during a face-to-face discussion when deciding on a course of action for a pupil.



Parents will be formally notified of their child’s targets and provision through their Support Plan on a termly basis or more frequently if deemed appropriate. Adjustments, interventions, support and review date will be agreed with staff, parents and pupil (where appropriate). This will be recorded on their My Support Plan and will be held securely on the school information system. Where a pupil may be new to the SEN register, their targets and My Support Plan will be carefully explained and agreed with staff and parents and carers.



The delivery and assessment of the impact of targeted interventions recorded on each My Support Plan continues to be the responsibility of the class teacher. The class teacher will remain responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis and retain accountability for their progress and outcomes. The class teacher will plan and assess the impact of support and interventions with any teaching assistants or specialist staff involved. The SENCO will support the above.



The effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress will be reviewed on an agreed date. The My Support Plan will be reviewed with parents or carers at least three times per year. The class teacher, working with the SENCO, will revise the support in light of the pupil’s progress and outcomes will be recorded. Adjustments and next steps will be decided accordingly and the knowledge and expertise of the parents or carers will be drawn upon to support the target-setting and review process. Pupils take part in the review process according to their age and abilities. The reviews can take place at parent / carer consultation sessions, SEN review meetings, multi-agency meetings or during telephone consultations where the parent or carer is unable to attend a face-to-face meeting.  If a pupil does not make expected progress over a sustained period of time, school will seek specialist expertise. This will inform future provision. 


As part of the four-part cycle, school liaises with the following services –

  • Educational Psychology Service (bought in through a traded service)
  • Children and Young Peoples Service (CYPS- centrally funded)
  • School Health (centrally funded)
  • School Effectiveness SEN team (centrally funded, with an element bought in through a traded service)
  • Counselling Services
  • SEND Outreach Service (bought in through a traded service)
  • Speech and Language Service
  • Social Services
  • Children in Care Team (CiC) at the Virtual School.


Additional Individual Pupil Support (IPS) Funding 

Where a pupil’s needs exceed the nationally prescribed threshold (currently £6,000) additional funding will be applied for from the local authority. 


Education, Health and Care Plans

Where, despite having taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the SEN of a pupil, the pupil has not made expected progress, then school or parents will consider requesting an Education, Health and Care assessment. School will provide the local authority with evidence of the action taken as part of SEN support. Where this is agreed and a pupil's needs exceed the nationally prescribed threshold (currently £6000) additional funding will be attached to the plan, so that the school can provide the necessary support to meet individual needs.



Further details on provision for pupils with SEN can be found in the

Parent/Carers SEND Information Report



SEND Information Report

This guide, and the Annual SEN Report, can be found on the school website. These outline the provision normally available for pupils with SEN as well as provision within the four broad areas of need – communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or physical.


Annual SEN Report

The Annual SEN Report includes an evaluation of the impact of the above provision on outcomes for pupils with SEN.


Further details on the impact of provision for pupils with SEN can be found in the

Annual SEN Report





