Rationale and Ethos
This policy sets out our school’s approach to statutory Relationships Education and non-statutory Sex Education. It has been produced by our PSHE Co-ordinator Michelle Reid, working with the Head teacher Stuart Pickup, Senior Leadership Team and lead governor for PSHE (Suzanne Bell).
The Department for Education guidance states that from September 2020, all primary schools must teach Relationships and Health Education. As stated in the guidance, the teaching of Sex Education in primary schools remains non-statutory, with the exception of the elements of sex education contained in the science national curriculum. These include naming the main external body parts, teaching about the human life cycle (including puberty) and reproduction in some plants and animals. There are additional related topics that fall within the statutory requirements for the Health Education element of PSHE, such as puberty and menstrual wellbeing, and this will be taught within PSHE education lessons (see curriculum map for more details).
At Newburn Manor Primary School, we believe that PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is essential in providing our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy and happy lives, which will in turn enable them to become informed, active and responsible citizens. The learning that takes place within our PSHE curriculum is informed by the PSHE Association, which is an established scheme, supported by the DfE and created in conjunction with primary schools. We place the wellbeing of our pupils at the heart of everything we do, and as a result PSHE permeates throughout our whole curriculum. Within our PSHE curriculum, all statutory elements of RSE are covered as well as additional topics which are enhanced by and enhance our RSE programme. Some of the biological elements of the RSE curriculum will also be covered as part of our science curriculum.
We ensure that RSE is fully inclusive and meets the needs of all our students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by liaising with parents, and offering bespoke tailored education to those children whom need it in the form of our acorns provision, 1:1 support and Lego therapy.
We believe that RSE should meet the needs of all pupils, whatever their developing sexuality or identity and this should include age-appropriate teaching about different types of relationships in the context of the law. Pupils should receive teaching on LGBT relationships, which is delivered at Newburn, for example, through teaching about different types of family, including those with same sex parents.
Intended Outcomes
The intended outcome of our RSE education programme is that pupils:
- Know and understand the features of positive, safe relationships including online. They will have the confidence, and vocabulary to seek help or support if they recognise that they are not being treat appropriately or are at risk.
- To be able to cope with peer pressure and negative influences.
- To know the difference between a good surprise and a secret – and when to seek help.
- Understand that they have a right to be happy and healthy. They have the right to be respected, feel safe and succeed, regardless of gender, disability, faith or sexuality.
- Understand they have a responsibility to keep themselves safe, to treat others with respect and care, and look after the world around them.
- To understand how to be healthy, both physically and mentally and develop strategies to promote good health (diet, sleep, exercise and positive interactions with others).
- To understand what negatively impacts on our health and wellbeing and be fully aware of the risks associated with smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use.
- Develop skills of listening, communicating and assessing risk.
- Develop attributes of compassion, tolerance, kindness and empathy.
- To have the skills and knowledge to be respectful, safe digital citizens.
Roles and Responsibilities
The RSE programme will be led by the PSHE Coordinator in conjunction with the Head Teacher and SLT. It will be primarily taught by class based teachers, however external agencies will be invited in to support the learning (for example NSPCC and the school nurse). Teaching staff will receive RSE support and training as needed this will be arranged by the PSHE lead.
Documents which inform our schools RSE policy include:
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education (2020)
- Education Act - (1996)
- Learning and Skills Act (2000)
- Education and Inspections Act (2006)
- Equality Act (2010)
- Supplementary Guidance SRE for the 21st century (2014)
- Keeping children safe in Education – statutory safeguarding guidance (2020)
- Children and Social Work Act (2017)
- PSHE Learning Association Thematic Scheme of Learning 2020
Safe and Effective Practice
We will provide a safe learning environment by ensuring that all children feel that they have a voice, are listened to and respected. Teachers and pupils will establish ground rules which support and maintain a safe learning environment and will share the responsibility for monitoring them throughout the lessons. Pupils questions will be answered by the class teacher during sessions however if sensitive issues arise, a follow up will be arranged by the class teacher or our SEN Support Assistant who provides pastoral care throughout school. Pupils will be able to raise anonymous questions to the class teacher if they need further clarification or support. All staff teaching RSE will be continually supported by the PSHE lead or SLT.
All class teachers are aware that effective RSE, (which teaches an understanding of what is and what is not appropriate in a relationship), can lead to a disclosure of a child protection issue. In this case, the teacher will follow schools protocol and inform the schools designated safeguard lead Mr Stuart Pickup, or in their absence their deputy (Mrs Claire Gill) immediately. Visitors and/or external agencies coming in to deliver part of the RSE curriculum will be pre-informed of the schools safe guarding policy and will be made aware of the designated safe guard lead or deputy should they wish or need to raise any concerns to them.
Curriculum Design
Our RSE programme is an integral part of our whole school PSHE education provision which has been developed in accordance with the scheme of work produced by the PSHE Association. Teachers will use the scheme of work and suggested resources to develop well matched lesson plans and activities which meet the learning outcomes appropriately. The scheme we adopt consists of three over-arching themes, these are:
- Relationships
- Living in the Wider World
- Health and Mental Wellbeing
The statutory elements of RSE are taught throughout all of these themes (see our curriculum map for further guidance). We have ensured that RSE is matched to the needs of our pupils by engaging with parents and welcoming our pupils input through whole class or focus group surveys which are conducted annually. As well as additional learning via assembly and ad-hoc class discussions, all pupils will receive a minimum of ten hours discrete PSHE teaching per term. Our RSE programme will be taught through a range of teaching methods and interactive activities including: circle time, games, story time, debate, role play, discussions and case studies. High quality resources will support our RSE delivery, from well-known reputable sources such as the PSHE Association, NSPCC, Google Internet Legends and many more (a full list of resources can be found on dedicated area on the school website https://www.newburnmanorprimary.co.uk/pshe/ ). In addition to this, books and film clips will be used to support and promote deep understanding within a moral/values context and underpin the British Values which we incorporate into our school life.
RSE lessons will be differentiated in terms of the level of support provided and the expected outcomes for each child to ensure that learning is fully inclusive for all ages and abilities.
Pupils will be encouraged, through facilitated discussions, to reflect on their own learning and progress, and any pupils who need additional support to meet the learning outcomes will be supported by the SEN learning support assistant. Assessment in RSE will take place in most lessons using simple baseline and end point questions as well as regular AfL. More formal types of assessment will take place at the beginning and end of each new theme (termly).
Full curriculum coverage can be found on dedicated area on the school website:
Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluating
Teachers will critically reflect on their work in delivering RSE through discussions with the PSHE lead and other teachers in their key stage phase. Work scrutiny will take place termly, carried out cooperatively between the class teacher and the PSHE lead and any areas for development will be identified and the teacher will receive support by the PSHE lead in implementing any changes required. Pupil voice will continually be influential in adapting and amending planned learning activities, and any national or local issues which impact on our pupils will be incorporated into our planning.
Engaging Stakeholders
Parents will be informed about the RSE policy and their right to withdraw via newsletter, which will include summarised details of the policy and the curriculum for their child’s year group. The full policy will be available for parents and carers to view on the school website. School will be committed to working with parents and careers, governors and the wider school community by frequently updating the website and sending newsletters regarding the learning in each year group. We will notify parents and carers when the teaching of RSE will be taught by external visitors or agencies. We will advise all parents and carers of their right to withdraw their child from any RSE content that is not part of the Science National Curriculum, however we will be happy to discuss any concerns and reassure them that the content will be age appropriate and beneficial to their child’s learning and development. The lead governor for RSE and PSHE will be involved in the formulation of the RSE policy and any changes which need to be implemented.
As part of our whole school approach to RSE, Parent information sessions and opportunities for parents to view the materials and resources used will take place annually**.
** Due to Covid restrictions this will take place online and will be reviewed at the end of Spring term 2021.
Date for Review: Spring term 2022