Summer Term
T3b Week 5
We had an amazing day on Wednesday in the school grounds with Mr Vyle, Mrs Wafi, Miss Osbourn and Miss Morgan. We crawled through bushes, had a go bouncing on the slack line, sat in hammocks, made clay minibeasts, made and tried elderflower water, used the trim trail, read the story of the very busy spider, made spider webs with sparkly wool and made spiders and flies to go in them and made dens. It was a beautiful, exhausting day!

T3b Week 3
This week we have written about the life cycle of a ladybird, taken part in a Hoop Starz session, practised our practical subtraction and our Ladybirds have begun to come out of their pupas.

T3b Week 2
We have been finding numbers within numbers this week using magnets and white boards. Starting with 5 magnets on the board we move them around to form different groups and then stated the amounts that added up to 5. eg '1 add 2 add 2 equals 5'
Our ladybird larva have been getting bigger and some of them have even begun to turn into pupa, we are hoping for ladybirds next week!

Ladybird larva and pupa
T3b Week 1
This week the ladybirds have arrived in Reception, they are larva at the moment they will shed their skins 3 times as they get bigger then turn into pupa (a bit like caterpillars in cocoons) and then become the beetles we recognise with a red back and black spots.
In our Maths sessions we were thinking about repeating patterns and how we can keep them going or make the pattern more tricky by using double objects or more colours.

Jaspers Beanstalk