Reception have been full of the joys of spring this week with our Animal pageant drumming, the Easter Hat parade, and trip to the church for an Easter service. Lots of the children have also decorated eggs to bring to school and brighten up our corridors. It has been a busy time this half term and the children have worked so hard we are all really proud of the progress they have made. Happy holiday Reception.
Term 2b Week 5
Reception were very fortunate with the weather for our Spring Walk, over to the community orchard. We completed a minibeast hunt, found natural treasures to stick on our collecting card (we found feathers, rabbit fur, leaves and twigs) and made tree rubbings using crayons and paper thinking of super describing words to talk about the textures of the different trees. Some of our grown ups came with us to help keep us safe and we had our snack at the beginning and some hot chocolate at the end, what a super morning!
Term 2b Week 4
For our 'Come and See' morning the adults helped us all to make Caterpillar hats. After break time we went 'to look for some food' around our school grounds having a good munch at the large food shapes that were hidden. When we reached the end of our search we used scarves to turn into 'beautiful butterflies' and then spent some time using the trim trail.
Term 2b Week 3
Reception have been recording parts of The Very Hungry Caterpillar story this week, working hard to hear and record all of the sounds in all of the words. Our Bug Garden is also getting nicely full with fantastic models the children have made at home.
T2b Week 2
We have been learning the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and drawing story maps to help us remember all of the different parts. Here is our class smart board story map, can you use it to tell the story?
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Very Hungry Caterpillar part 2
It has been a very busy week in Reception with our story telling, making pancakes, World book day and thinking about one less.
T2b Week 1
The children worked in pairs to make model boats that they thought might float. We talked about what would make a good boat and looked at some bottle boats on google images to inspire us.
The RSPB came to our class in the form of Oscar, who took us on a 'Habitat Explorer' adventure in our school grounds. We saw snake centipedes, snails, slugs, and woodlice. We looked under stones and logs, the minibeasts were staying hidden as the weather had turned so cold this morning.
As we are thinking about ships we are also considering floating and sinking, objects float when they are less dense than water - light for their size. Objects sink when they are more dense than water - heavy for their size. We are working hard to use the correct words, 'It is sinking', 'It has sunk', 'It sank to the bottom', 'I think the stone will sink'. The children are trying to use full sentences to make predictions (sensible guesses) 'I think the bottle will float because it is light and big'.
Floating and sinking work.
We are starting whole class drumming sessions, the drums we are using originate in Africa and we were taught how to use our hands to make different sounds and rhythms, using animal names and sounds to help us remember what to do.
Large Construction
In small groups the children worked together to build a ship that they could all fit in. We made a time laps video, this actually took about 15 minutes.
Here are some pictures of the other groups building and sitting proudly in their constructions.
This week is art week, we sat down this morning and recorded our thoughts about what art is.
Term 2a Week 6
Reception have been thinking about one less than, our memory jogger is '1 less than means take away 1'. We have also had a session of Yoga Bugs where we stretched and balanced along to the story of 'The 3 Little Pigs'.
Term 2a Week 5
We have continued our Chinese New Year theme, writing about the legend of the animal race, ordering the ordinal numbers in maths and taste testing some Chinese food.
This week we are thinking about celebrations for Chinese New Year. We have made our own dragons to do a dragon dance!
Term 2a Week 4
We have been reading 'Oi Frog' and writing our own rhyming rules, we also had come and see morning where parents came in to see how hard we work in Reception. Lots of children have been brining in lovely home work and getting their sheets stamped, well done everyone who has done some.
Term 2a Week 3
This week we have been thinking about 3D shapes cube, cuboid, and sphere. Looking at their properties and using mathematical language to describe them, face, edge, corner, flat, curve. We have also been writing our own 'That's Not My Cat...' story. Jen Brown came to school to tell us about the importance of reading for pleasure and to give us some books.
Following a special request from reception here is the latest song Mrs Gill is teaching us at singing assemblies.
Reception have been making numbers beyond 10 using lots of different equipment, numicon tiles, number rods, paper chains and written numerals. We have stretched our understanding of what makes a teen number by using part, part, whole models to add two numbers together or to see what is left when we take away 10.
Mr Pickup in music lessons and Mrs Gill in singing assembly, have been teaching Reception new songs, here are YouTube links to two of them.
We have had a busy first week back at school with the pantomime trip on Thursday and getting back into our routine after the two week Christmas holiday.
We have been writing about what we did during the holidays, thinking about rhyming words and been getting to grips with numbers beyond 10, ordering them, recognising them, counting them and using numicon to make them, remembering that the 1 at the beginning means 10 (not one).
Careful counting
Rhyming pairs
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