Group 2
Walbottle Witches and Wizards
Spring is in full flow in the dene, bluebells are out and all the birds are calling out to each other. We tried to identify some of the birds by their song. we heard a lot of different bird calls. We think we heard blackbird, robin, wood pigeon and maybe blue tit. When the leaves are back on the the trees listening to the different calls is the easiest way to identify the birds.
When we got to our spot we put up a shelter as it kept try rain. We found that the fairy doors are still there. After reading the Room in the Broom book most children went off to make their own broom to zoom around the woods on. Logan decided to make a bird tree instead, he got it to stand up and decorated it all by himself.
We all had a very good time in the woods.
Fairy Fun
The woods were alive with the sound of spring today. Hayden identified the first woodpecker, but we couldn't spot it as it was too far up it's tree.
When we got to our spot we explored for a while and found some fairy doors in the trees, not on the floor as in school but up high. We thought that this could be because of dogs, or the badgers that live in the Dene. We went to look at the badger set. When we got back to the centre we started to make some fairy wands and homes.
After our hot chocolate we made a fairy stone and decorated it with things we like in the woods. We sang a song for the fairies. I hope the fairies can make friends with the badgers.
Come and See at Forest School
We had a lovely glimpse of the sun on Wednesday when parents came to see what we do in the woods. The children had a marvellous time exploring and problem solving. They went on an adventure and forded a tricky stream. The children picked plenty of wild garlic. That will be turned into a sauce for garlic bread, or noodles.
One of the nice things of going to the woods is that there is always plenty of materials for the children to use to make things. Travis found some wood that he was able to make a great house out of. He said it was for the squirrels that lived near by. We had just found some beech nuts that had been chewed on by some squirrels.
Although the sun was out it was still nice to have some hot chocolate and a snack. After that we got out the hammocks to have a swing. that just left time to reflect upon our woods before coming back to school.