Autumn term
Year 2 and 3 Christmas Party
We've had a great afternoon for the Christmas party. We had a catwalk to show off our fantastic party clothes, played some party games and showed off our dance moves. Afterwards, we went into a class for a Christmas feast.
Tinsel and Tea-towels
We have had a fantastic day today for both of our performances of Tinsel and Tea-towels. The children sang beautifully, danced very well and performed their lines confidently. I was very proud! Well done to Year 2, 3 and 4 for a great show! Thank you to everyone who came to see the show, we hope you
enjoyed it!
Invention Shed 10/12/18
You could really tell that children had gained confidence in there work this week. We were making Christmas themed items. They turned out great and what a range of items; some children made elves, others snowmen whilst other children meant for a more Christmas themed display. The pictures don't really do them justice but they need to dry out for a bit before they are taken home, please be careful when you do. I think they would look great as a decoration for the Christmas table.
Invention Shed 03/12/18
This week we were concentrating on cutting and joining. The children looked at the variety of saws and we discussed what saws would be good for cutting a variety of materials. We then thought of how we could join pieces together. I love the drill and bit and brace so I got that out. Drilling holes in the wood allowed the children to put a stick through and so make some very interesting objects. I hope you enjoy them at home and if they need further adjustment bring them next week so they can have more work done on them.
Come and See
We had a great 'Come and See' morning today. Lots of families came in to class to take part in the learning. We had a great time thinking about the Great Fire of London and recalling all the facts we knew. We used an IPAD app called Pic Collage to create an information poster full of facts about the Great Fire. The finished posters look great!
Thank you to everyone who came in to see what we were learning in class.

Invention Shed 26/11/18
Today was my first time in the invention shed with year 2; what a fantastic group of inventors! Today we were finding things that would be good to make a self portrait. The ideas the children had were fantastic, the use of different materials to make shapes and the way children formed the items led to some great pieces of art. Check out the pictures and see what you think.
The Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead
Year 2 had a fantastic time at St Mary's Heritage Centre in Gateshead. We found out more information about The Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead. We visited where the fire started and acted out scenes from different locations.
Kenyan Animals
We've had a great morning creating Kenyan animals. Mr Gill, an artist, came into school to work with us and we painted and collaged lots of different animals that you would find in Kenya. They look great and will go up in the corridor outside our classroom.
Safari Homework
We have had some great homework this half term. I am so impressed with the safari jeeps, homemade binoculars, jewellery, artwork, writing and so much more. It is all on display in the classroom. Here is a sample of what has been brought in...
Autumn Pictures
Year 2 have looked at Autumn trees in art. They talked about the colours and brought in a selection of leaves they had found. The class enjoyed creating Autumn Trees using paint, sponges and their fingers. It got very messy but the results were great.
Come and See
Thank you to everyone who came into Year 2 this morning to see what we were learning about. We had a great morning writing riddles for Kenyan animals. They look great and will go on display outside the classroom. We also tried completing some mathematical challenges about multiples of 2,5 and 10.
Kenyan Necklaces
We have been looking at photographs to find out more about the beautiful, brightly coloured, traditional jewellery worn by the Kenyan people. Afterwards, we decided to create our very own Kenyan style necklaces using paper plates.
The Great Exhibition of the North
We've only been back to school for a few days and we've already been on a school trip.
Today we visited the Quayside to look at exhibits from the Great Exhibition of the North. We arrived at the Sage first and watched a special animation called Bridges. It was about a fisherman and his dog on a journey up the Tyne. There were no words but there was music to go along with the story. Afterwards we went upstairs and had to wear headphones. Mrs Gill talked through a microphone and played us different pieces of music. We had to create our own graphic score, using shapes and colour to draw what we thought of when we listened to the music. Afterwards we watched the water fountains in the River Tyne and then headed to the Baltic. We looked around the Baltic at some of the exhibits about the future of where we live. We also got to see the Millennium Bridge turning to let a boat come through. Mrs Gill was very impressed with our behaviour. A great start to the year!