Resources and Curriculum
Access to Facilities and Provision:
Please refer to school’s accessibility plans in the link above which outlines how we:
Increase access to the curriculum for pupils with a disability
Improve and maintain access to the physical environment
Improve the delivery of written information to pupils
Allocation of Resources:
The head teacher and SENCO are responsible for the operational management of the budget for SEN provision. The school will use a range of additional funding including the notional SEN budget and, where applicable, pupil premium to provide high quality appropriate support for pupils with SEN. Where a pupil’s needs exceed the nationally prescribed threshold (currently £6,000) additional funding will be applied for from the local authority.
Access to the Curriculum:
All pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. They receive inclusive quality first teaching that is differentiated to meet individual need. Identifying, assessing, planning and review is part of Quality First Teaching. Teachers have high expectations for all pupils. In planning and teaching, teachers provide suitable learning objectives, meet the pupils’ diverse learning needs and remove the barriers to learning. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils. In order to maximise learning, some pupils are withdrawn, individually and in small groups, to take part in targeted, time limited interventions planned to meet particular needs.
The curriculum is broad and ambitious. It meets the needs of all pupils, including pupils with SEND.
(Ofsted, November 2022)
Our SEN Information Report and Annual SEN Report provide a clear description of the details of what is available for all children with SEN through Quality First Teaching and what is additional and different provision.
Pupils with SEN are actively encouraged and supported to join in and benefit from additional activities and clubs as well as any wider community activities. Pupils are offered the same opportunities to become student council members, Family Captain and Family Vice Captain and to represent the school in the wider community e.g. in sporting activities within the ONE Trust of schools, taking part in the school choir or representing the school in community activities. Pupils are also given the same opportunity to take part in a variety of after school clubs that are offered termly.