We Remember
To mark remembrance day, we watched a beautiful short film about the Christmas Truce (there was a few teary eyes when it was over). We talked about the sacrifices that our fallen soldiers made so that we could live in freedom and peace. I was so impressed by the mature attitude and thoughtful contributions that the class made to our discussion. After that, we ended the day by creating some poppies to wear with pride.
In other news, we are underway with the Christmas nativity, most of the parts have been given out and we have been practicing the songs with such excitement and enthusiasm. It's going to be wonderful!
Making Poppies
Roman Legionaries in Training
Year four have been learning about the Romans over the last few weeks and today they really got to show off their knowledge and understanding. We visited Housesteads Roman Fort and met Rufus Augustus Victor - a real life, time served Roman Legionary! Rufus had the children captivated with his tales of life in the Roman army. He dressed two very brave volunteers up (poor Poppy had a wardrobe malfunction) and gave each member of the class their own shield and sword to practice their battle techniques with.
The children were fantastic, their behaviour was impeccable and they really impressed Rufus with their knowledge of Roman history! Here are some photo's of our day, as you can see, there are smiles all round.
Legionaries in Training
The First Two Weeks
What a fantastic time I have had getting to know all the wonderful children in year 4. They are hardworking, kind, polite and great fun to be around. We have enjoyed a busy couple of weeks, learning all about place value in Maths and exploring the ancient myth Romulus and Remus in English. We made impressive shapes with our bodies as part of our Gymnastics PE lessons, and kept fit by skipping on the playground. For science we have started to learn all about states of matter, and we are very much looking forward to making slime and discussing it's properties later on in the term.
We travelled back to ancient Rome as part of our History lesson, we sorted events into chronological order, then used an atlas to show how far the empire spread at the height of it's power 2000 years ago. In PSHE we discussed what makes a good friend, we all agreed that kindness is very important.
Here are a few photos of us in action, learning, playing and having fun.