P.E. - Learning about our bodies
We have worked with Caroline this week to learn about the different muscles and bones in our body. We enjoyed labelling ourselves with the correct terminology...

Light Fever 15/07/2022
Year 5 have a project to create examples of physical computing. This week we created a light show. As well as writing the programme the children also had to create the complex circuitry. I liked the way they looked in the dark.
Light Fever

Finding Friction 01/07/22
This week we were investigating how friction makes it harder to drag a weight across a surface. We found that smooth surfaces need much less force to move the weight across. Some surfaces are smooth but are also sticky, they required more force to move a weight across it.
OWL trust Cycle Fun. 28/06/22
What a fantastic competition the OWL trust is running. All the OWL trust schools are competing in a speed and skills cycling event. Our children had a great time racing around the track. There was a steep learning curve of how to use the breaks successfully but all children were resilient and any initial worry about the event was soon forgotten as the team pulled together to get a great score. Well done year 5.
Printing time
Today we had the chance to create our print blocks and then do some printing. The class used pencils and sharp implements to carve into the polystyrene and create the two parts to the print. They then used rollers and ink to print onto paper. The results were fantastic! Here are some photographs of the process and our final pieces.
Perfect Parachutes 10/06/2022
In our topic about forces we looked at air resistance. We wanted to investigate the variables that would affect the time a parachute would take to reach the ground.
Some of the results we found surprising, for instance we found that the mass of the parachute did not matter but the shape did.
Art week: Printing
This week the class have started work on their printing week in art. The class looked at the designs of William Morris and tried to see if they noticed any themes in his work. The class were quick to spot that nature was a key theme throughout his designs. The class copied some of the designs they liked before looking at nature ourselves. The pupils then thought about their own designs using nature from our school grounds as inspiration. They will use these designs to create a carved block which they will then use to print. Also this week, pupils tried some 'Hapa-zome' which means 'leaf dye'. The class used the Science cabin to hammer pieces of cloth with leaves underneath. In hammering the cloth, the dye from the leaf comes through the cloth and looks amazing. We were all very impressed however it was a very noisy activity!

More Jubilee Celebrations
We continued our Jubilee celebrations today. This afternoon the whole school went into the school yard to have our special afternoon tea to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children enjoyed sandwiches, crisps, scones and cake while listening to music throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It was a fantastic afternoon which the children thoroughly enjoyed. Here are a few pictures from the afternoon.
Jubilee Celebrations in Year 5
Today we've had a wonderful day learning about the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The class watched a video and found out all about the Queen's reign since 1952. They then completed a quiz in pairs and created Jubilee bookmarks, finger painted flags, bunting to hang in the classroom and a whole class picture. Tomorrow we will have our afternoon tea celebrations. Watch this space...
Tudor Houses 13/05/2022
Oh my what a busy week this one has been. I feel quite overwhelmed by how hard everyone has worked. We started the week by experimenting with joins. We researched the look of Tudor houses, made paper models, used card kits to get different designs then moved on to making our own models. To make a model from scratch using a wood frame is very complicated. Plans were drawn and re-drawn so that each section would fit together. This was done across a group of 6 pupils. Getting all of the group to work together was another challenge. In the end all the different groups made their own design and got 90% of it made. We just ran out of time with most houses needing a bit of decoration to get them looking A1.
I was blown away by the variety and ideas that the children solved problems and made each model unique. Well done Year 5, you all worked very hard this week and made fantastic models.
Tudor Houses 09/05/22
Today we started our DT topic on Tudor houses. We have looked at some common design features and then thought of different ways to join wood together. It looked easy but to get a strong join it is difficult. After some experiments and some research on the internet we have started to develop some good ideas. Which join would you use?
Mini Police - Burglary
Today Darren and Rachel were back to work with our Mini Police children. The group talked about what happens when there is a burglary and how the police investigate this. Darren and Rachel then set up a crime scene which the group had to investigate for clues while wearing appropriate clothing so they did not contaminate the evidence.
Kielder Update: Now with over 500 pictures uploaded. Enjoy, what a great time we had.
Kielder Day 4 28/04/22
We were back with the scout leaders for most of the day. In the morning we did archery, there are some very good marksmen and several bullseyes were scored. Meanwhile another group were throwing axes and 'angel stars'. I preferred the stars as they had 3 points to stick into the target and were lighter to throw. The final group did an activity called low ropes. This was a kind of assault course over several rope obstacales. It was great fun, especially after the children had to start to carry a cup of water around.
After lunch the children did the climbing activities that they had not yet done. I could not get over the resilience they showed. There were several children who are scared of heights, this did not stop them having a go and all of the group I was with showed amazing bravery completing the activity.
Day 3 Kielder 27/04/22
A change in pace today as we spend the day in camp crafting and cooking. Lots and lots of things on offer from leather work to tool making. Mr Forester got two fires going we used one to boil a huge kettle which kept me in top strength coffee the other we used for casting metal jewellery. We then went on cook some fab chilli as a snack, we ate it with wraps.
In the evening we took a walk to Leaplish to play on the adventure playground, eat treats and find out about the 'White Lady'.
Another busy day, but very different from before. This change in pace and variety of experience is another reason I think the Kielder experience is such a rich one.
Kielder Day 2 26/04/22
If we thought yesterday was busy - well today was totally crazy! Bellboating in the morning. A huge effort by all the children. We paddled across the width to the lake, I tried not to splash too much but with a fantastic team led by a brilliant captain (all children) we raced across despite a head wind.
In the afternoon there was climbing activities; abseiling, climbing wall and a Jacob's Ladder. The determination and bravery the children showed was breathtaking but so was the positive attitudes and enjoyment of being outside. I could really see that Newburn ethos amongst the children.
Tonight we had a campfire with songs, games and then marshmallows on a stick. I think anyone would be pushed to to cram anything else into the day.
Kielder Monday 25th April
A full on first day of activities. A walk to the bird of prey centre, games and puzzles with the scout leaders and then, of course, 'The Mud Run'. With great team work no lost shoes, but there were still a lot of muddy clothes and great big smiles. The children have settled in very well, with a great feeling of working together. With everyone showered and drinking their hot chocolate, working on their journals it is obvious that although tired the children are happy to be here. The site has been badly affected by the storms earlier this year but we have managed to adapt and everyone is very much looking forward to a morning in the boats and then onto the huge tower for climbing. photos will follow.