Times Tables
Times Tables at Newburn Manor
Times Tables are fundamental to mathematical learning. At Newburn Manor Primary School, we believe that knowing our times tables will support us in other maths topics, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages to name just a few. It allows children to feel more confident in maths which allows them to access more complex procedures. When a child in confident in their times tables, this reduces their cognitive load when learning a new method. For example, when a child is learning the long multiplication method, if they already know their times tables, they can focus on the new method rather than having to count in 6s or 7s etc...
At Newburn Manor we use a range of strategies to teach times tables. It is not about pressure and panic but about enjoying their learning and investigating the patterns within times tables. Children will draw arrays, use hundred squares to find patterns, use concrete resources to make a times table and many more activities to explore the times table.
Below is an overview of the order in which times tables are taught at Newburn Manor.
Around the World
Our new initiative in school allows pupils to concentrate on a particular times table at school and at home where they can focus on recalling it with confidence (both the multiplication and division facts). Below is our 'Around the World' passport with a list of objectives in each continent. Once a continent has been completed, a child will receive their certificate in Good Work Assembly before moving on to the next continent. The overall goal is to become a Globetrotter by the end of Key Stag 2 after facing Mrs Gill for the ultimate challenge!
Things to help learn your times tables:
White Rose 1 minute maths app - a free app available on android and apple devices which includes a times table section.
Times Table Rockstars - login and start practising your times tables.
Top Marks:
Tablesmaster: How long does it take you to complete 20 questions of your chosen times table?