Complaints Procedure
The Complaints Procedure:
Initially an attempt will be made to resolve a complaint about SEN provision at school level, within one week of the complaint having first been made. The procedure is firstly that the class teacher will liaise with the parents/carers to try to resolve matters, then if required the SENCO and /or head teacher will become involved. Parents/carers will be invited to meet with Mr Pickup and/or Mrs Howse to discuss matters further.
If the complaint is unresolved, then the person making the complaint is advised of their rights under Section 23 of the Education reform Act to make a complaint. The Governing Body will consider the complaint, after which, if necessary the LA will become involved. School will inform parents/carers of the local authority’s commissioned independent disagreement resolution service. Details can also be found in the Local Offer.
Please see our Complaints Policy for further information.