Easter Eggs - Our wonderful eggs that have been on display in school this week, thank you for all your effort and hard work with these
Term 2b Week 2
This week we thought more about the bear from the bear hunt story, we wrote descriptive sentences about the bear and worked as a group making big bear caves outside and individually inside making small bear caves. For some of individual bear caves the children took their own and each others photos with our class ipad!

Term 2b Week 1
We have had a very busy first week back with pancake day, World book day and starting our new topic thinking about the bear hunt story!
We thought a little about lent and what we might give up but much more about our favourite pancake toppings!
We had an amazing World Book Day and lots of the children dressed up as a book character!

Click on the above link to view a sample of our music sessions in Reception.
We hope you enjoy them!
Term 2a Week 3
This week we have continued to think about rhyming pairs and read another Oi! book - Oi Cat. We have made our own books of Cat's Rhyming rules and worked hard at our segmenting (splitting up the sounds in words to write them) and our letter formation.
The Children have worked hard to order pictures of towers of bricks and add numerals. In Maths we have been partitioning 5 by singing '5 little speckled frogs' and counting how many were in the pool and how many were still on the log then saying the number sentence i.e. 4 add 1 equals 5, one of the days we used stickers on our fingers to swap the frogs from one hand (the log) to the other hand (the pond) some of the children kept their 'frogs' and made them logs and pools in the making area. We have looked at 3D shapes and done an experiment to see which ones roll down a slope and which ones don't.
On Friday we had a go at making models of characters from the Oi series of books a cat, a frog or a dog. It's been a really busy week!
Ordering towers
Five Little Speckled Frogs

Which Shapes Roll?


Writer of the Week

Term 2a Week 2
This week in Reception we have read through our book for the half term 'Oi Frog!' and begun to understand Cat's rhyming rules - every creature must sit on an item that rhymes with it, Frog must sit on a log, Cat must sit on a mat.
In Maths we have been thinking about the order of numbers, that each number is one more than the one before when we say the number names in order or when we make towers in sequence. We have also begun to represent teen numbers with numicon as 10 and some more.
In phonics we have been learning vowel digraphs and trigraphs, by the end of this week we will have covered ai (tail) ee (sheep) oa (goat) igh (light) oo (book) oo (moon) ar (dark) or (born).

We have introduced a new incentive for the children to undertake writing tasks independently. Each week the adults will choose a 'Super Writer' someone who has worked particularly hard to write independently and on the Friday they will get to wear the Super Writer cape all day!
Writer of the Week

Term 2a Week 1
The children in Reception have settled back into our routine really well after the Christmas break. This half term we are thinking about words that rhyme (sound the same at the end) we have read rhyming books like 'One Mole Digging a Hole' and 'There's a Bear On My Chair' listening out for the rhyming words. We have written lists of 'at' rhyming words using our grapheme cards as prompts and used the 'Wibbly Wobbly' rhyme to hone our listening for rhyme skills.
Wibbly wobbly wair, the elephant sat on the chair.
Wibbly wobbly wiss worgan, the elephant sat on Miss Morgan.
In our Maths tasks this week we have been counting out amounts from a larger group and recognising numerals from 0 to 6, as well as beginning to think about teen numbers as 10 and some more, e.g. 15 is 10 and 5 more.
Rhyming Writing

Wibbly Wobbly Work

Couniting Out Amounts

Teen Numbers Matching Pairs