We shared the picture book, 'Have you filled a bucket today?' and decided to make our own buckets. We have been filling each other's buckets every week and sharing thanks and kind things about each other.
We are taking part in, 'The Big Plastic Count', as part of our Geography, Science and PHSE learning and will be bringing home a sheet to record a tally and total on today. Ask us about recycling and what we have learned about soft and hard plastics. See https://thebigplasticcount.com/ for more information.
We welcomed members of the NSPCC into class and explored how to 'Speak out. Stay safe' with our Buddy Kit. We took part in activities and thought about how Bubby wants children to know who to talk to if they have a worry or feel sad. Buddy has their own special zone on the Childline website. It's called the Buddy Zone. There are lots of fun games on there and you can build your own Happy Place.
World Book Day!
Today we took part in lots of different World Book Day Activities, some of them included an online meeting with the author Simon Bartram and creating our own character for a story series as a sock puppet! We drew an alien with Simon Bartram and enjoyed sharing some bedtime stories together. What's your favourite bedtime story?
Team Building Week 2...
Forest School Fun!
Outdoor Maths
As part of our measuring unit, we went outside and measured and ordered lengths, heights and widths.
Food Chains
We have been learning about food chains in Science and made our own, ask us about producers, consumers and predators.
Team Skills in PE.
We had such a good session with our coaches exploring strategies and team building during PE. Ask us about our challenges!
Measuring in Maths
We measured lengths, heights and widths and compared. We could solve some problems and order our measurements.
Microhabitat Hunt
During Science, we went on a microhabitat hunt and recorded tally, pictogram charts and graphs of what we found in different habitats.
Chinese New Year
We explored Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated, we could recall lots of prior learning from our time in Early Years and in Year 1! We investigated further and read stories, took part in role play, sang songs, appraised music, watched dances and composed our own music using the pentatonic scale.
Exploring Australia in Geography. We compared and looked at maps and used atlases.
Art Week and more Art!
During Art Week we explored the work of artists such as Claude Monet and a variety of techniques, we tried colour blending. We found out about Primary, secondary and tertiary colours and investigated, whilst creating our own paintings, linked to our topics of Explorers, Polar Regions and class books such as Lost and Found. We described and painted sea scapes and found out about Aboriginal Art. In Geography, we are learning about Australia and created our own art to tell dreamtime stories we shared and stories we created. We used symbols and cross hatchings and had lots of fun!
Polar Dance!
We used our Geography topic of Polar regions to inspire us in our dance sessions and created motifs and phrases exploring animals of the Arctic, Antarctica and weather conditions. We considered heights, shapes and ways to travel, working in pairs, small groups and individuals. Then we performed our dance sequences to music and added starting and finishing positions and told a story through our movements. Can you guess what animals we might be?
Investigating Arrays.
We made different arrays and explored equal groups and what the multiplication could be.
Making Lava Lamps
We made lava lamps in science and explored what causes the reactions and changes. We loved watching the bubbles. Ask us about carbon dioxide and how we investigated in groups.
A rather windy Forest School!
We LOVED our Forest School this week! Ask us about how we made things out of wood and using saws. We also made kites and had lots of fun flying them.
I Wanna Play in a Band...
We have been learning how to sing and perform the song, 'I Wanna Play in a Band', and have been singing lots of rock songs! We have used stave notation to read music and perform parts using a glockenspiel, learning the names and duration of notes and how to read some music. Over the next two weeks, we will be choosing which part we would like to play on the glockenspiel, which other instruments we will also use and how we will perform our song.
We have been busy learning about money over the past few weeks and have found totals, change and compared amounts. We have played games to match money and explored different ways of making amounts. We are all very good at recognising notes and coins now and are solving some two-step problems!
Pants Talk
The children took part in the NSPCC's talk about PANTS. Ask us what the letters mean. We named parts of the body and took part in a variety of activities. We talked about keeping safe and our trusted adults.
Into the Forest...
Group One have started their Forest School Adventures this week and had lots of fun in the mud! Remember there is no session next week.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all of Year Two and welcome back. Today we started the term with celebrating becoming part of the One Trust!
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