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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Spring term

Term 2a Week 3

This week we have been thinking about the Celebration of Chinese New Year.  We looked at a map of our country and China and thought about how much bigger it is than where we live.  We have watched clips about how people celebrate, made paper dragons, thought about how the years came to be named after different animals, written about the animal race, ordered ordinal numbers to show which animal finished where in the race and even tried some rice and noodles!  

Term 2a Week 2

We have begun to read the 'Oi Frog' series of books and have really enjoyed learning Cat's rhyming rules - 'Frogs must sit on Logs!' and have worked hard to write a character description of Frog. 


In our Maths work we have been thinking about how the numbers 1 to 5 work together to form a step shape when you build them from towers each time getting one bigger as you go left to right and one smaller as you go right to left. 

Character Description

Playing a game of 'Match the rhyme with Oi Frog Cards, independent work after an initial adult lead group game.

Ordering number towers

Term 2a

We have begun our new topic - What makes a rhyming word and will be beginning the 'Oi Frog' series of books in the coming weeks.  This week we thought about words that end with the 'at' sound and wrote lists of rhyming words. 
