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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Group 1

A Quick Zoom 23/05/23

We only had a short session today as there were school photos to organise first. We did get out and managed to fit a lot into the session.

The grass had just been cut so we put on some over clothes. We played making nests and decorating them. I hope you like the pictures of them. The one in the picture was for Grandpa Hedgehog who needed a bit of a rest in the hot weather after looking nibbles to eat all night.

The puppets proved popular so a group took them with them to play in the climbing trees and hammocks. The other group found the new supply of wood to hammer so we spent some time making a lot of noise. It was in the full sun light so we all needed a good drink and a snack. This brought us to a good stop in activities so we sang some song before going back to class.

Serious Wood work, Hammock Fun and Finding the Right Tree 16/05/23

What a lovely day to be outside. That new green look to the leaves and the sun not too hot but warm enough so you could feel the end of spring and the start of summer.

Today we got the hammers and nails out to make some things. There was some good hammering so good in fact that some of the pieces got nailed into the work benches! We have some lovely paint pens that work a treat on wood and to finish the models some children chose to add some coloured tape.

Mrs. Heslop took some children to play with the hammocks and the climbing tree. When they came back we were ready for our drink and snack. This left us with enough time to find the different leaves from some of the trees that we have in the Forest School area. We have 4 types of willow alone so there is certainly a lot to choose from.

Bug Hunt 03/05/23

It was great to take the first group from reception out to the Forest School area. I had planned to do the whole session around the school site rabbits. When we looked in their hole we could not find any but we did find a multitude of insects, spiders and woodlice. This seemed to interest the children much more so we looked under some big logs and sure enough there were lots of interesting things to find.

We had to cut the session short as the children had a drumming session so we had a quick explore of the new trim trail before having a drink and a snack. Next session will be two weeks and we will have more time to explore and create things.
