Autumn Term
We have been gearing up for the winter break with lots of fun activities - card-making, calendar-making, parties, rock bands, dancing and lots of food! Have a look at what we've been up to...
Away in a Manger
This week Year 1 showed off their fantastic acting and beautiful singing in our Christmas production, 'Away in a Manger'. We have been practising for 5 weeks and all that hard work certainly paid off. Well done to all of our children for putting on three wonderful shows!
This week Year 1 travelled back in time to Victorian England with a trip to Beamish! First, we sat in on a Victorian lesson in the Pit Village school, learning how to write on chalkboards and count using number pegs. Then we ventured out onto the school yard where we discovered the toys that Victorian children would have played with. We discussed the differences between toys then and now and were surprised with how much fun we had with such simple toys!
Next we took a trip on an old-fashioned tram which, in the words of the children themselves, was 'exciting', 'fun' and 'dusty but useful'! We also journeyed to the 1900s Town and explored the different houses, including the dentists' which was filled with some scary-looking equipment! We stopped by a beautiful nursery and spotted some Victorian toys including a china tea set and an old, patchy teddy bear. What a great trip!
What a busy week we've had in Year 1! We have started our weekly Yoga Bug sessions with yoga instructor Julia. This week we have been learning animal poses which has involved us travelling to the jungle, meeting fearsome lions and attending a monkey's party! Working on our core strength and taking time to focus on our breathing is a great way to spend Monday afternoons and we look forward to the next few weeks ahead.
Continuing with the exercise theme, we have started our 20 Day Challenge with Taekwondo instructor Mr Churchward! Every day we will be completing press ups, leg raises and squat jumps to build up our strength and agility. The children have been trying hard to get the technique right so that their exercise is as effective as possible.
Stay tuned for updates on our progress...
We had a fantastic first week in Year 1! Everybody has settled in so well and have started the school year ready to learn. We spent the week exploring our new classroom and finding out fun facts about our friends - which fits in well with our topic this term 'All About Me'! We will be finding out about our senses in Science, trying our hand at self-portraits in Art and creating some writing about our personal experiences in English. I will attach a topic web on our page each term so you can see what we will be getting up to throughout the year.
In the meantime, if you have any concerns or questions my door is always open.
Here's to a fun-filled year!
Miss Phillips