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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Communication and Interaction

Communication and Interaction


This may include;


  • Autism
  • Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)



  • Individual support during times of stress or anxiety (one-to-one support for individuals from SENTA, Early Bird Acorns group, Small group Acorns sessions)
  • One-to-one support to carry out activities like Box Time and other specific interventions
  • Social skills support through bespoke small group intervention
  • Use of ICT where possible to reduce barriers to learning
  • Support or supervision at unstructured times of the day e.g. break time and lunchtime where appropriate
  • Resources to support pupils with speech and language difficulties e.g. word banks, visual prompts
  • Opportunity to communicate in various ways e.g. communication books like PECS, use of Makaton
  • Small group or one-to-one support for developing pupils speech, language and communication following programmes of work provided by outside specialists such as speech and language therapists
  • Specialist advice from Newcastle Speech and Language Therapy Service for individual pupils
  • Specific interventions like NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention) carried out in Reception class by trained members of staff
  • Resources to reduce anxiety and promote emotional well-being e.g. fiddle toy, stress ball
  • Use of individualised reward systems to promote learning and enhance self-esteem
  • Social stories to help children to understand and manage different social situations
  • Whole class and individual visual timetables to ensure pupils understand what will happen and when
  • Use of 'Now' and Then' boards to promote independence
  • Areas of low distraction (quieter rooms, individual workstations)
  • Advice and training from outside agencies and school to school support