Individual support during times of stress or anxiety (one-to-one support for individuals from SENTA, Early Bird Acorns group, Small group Acorns sessions)
One-to-one support to carry out activities like Box Time and other specific interventions
Social skills support through bespoke small group intervention
Use of ICT where possible to reduce barriers to learning
Support or supervision at unstructured times of the day e.g. break time and lunchtime where appropriate
Resources to support pupils with speech and language difficulties e.g. word banks, visual prompts
Opportunity to communicate in various ways e.g. communication books like PECS, use of Makaton
Small group or one-to-one support for developing pupils speech, language and communication following programmes of work provided by outside specialists such as speech and language therapists
Specialist advice from Newcastle Speech and Language Therapy Service for individual pupils
Specific interventions like NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention) carried out in Reception class by trained members of staff
Resources to reduce anxiety and promote emotional well-being e.g. fiddle toy, stress ball
Use of individualised reward systems to promote learning and enhance self-esteem
Social stories to help children to understand and manage different social situations
Whole class and individual visual timetables to ensure pupils understand what will happen and when
Use of 'Now' and Then' boards to promote independence
Areas of low distraction (quieter rooms, individual workstations)
Advice and training from outside agencies and school to school support
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