Whilst the school was closed due to the COVID lockdown between March and July, we made use of our school blog to share the work you were completing. It has been great having the children back and accessing a full school curriculum. However, we must plan for possible bubble closures or individual pupils needing to self-isolate over the coming weeks and months.
Consequently, we have decided to purchase and embed the Seesaw App to enable the sharing of work if our pupils are having to work remotely from home. Pupils will be able to send the work they are set to their teacher. The Seesaw app will enable teachers to review and comment on it and return it to pupils electronically. (Further information and instructions for downloading this app can be found at the end of this letter).
What is Seesaw?
Seesaw is an app that allows teachers to assign learning activities to children. It also allows children the opportunity to share their learning with their teacher for feedback and acknowledgement. We think this will be very helpful to families who are engaged in distance learning.
Howwill this be set up?
- Parents will download the Seesaw app or login through a website (TIP: access is easier on a tablet or laptop where possible).
- Please note that by setting up this App you will automatically be giving permission for the school to use this App with your child.
- Each child will receive a unique home learning code which provides your child access to their class. (Please see attached sheet)
- Please note that each child will receive a unique code, so if you have three children in the school then you will receive 3 unique home learning codes (in three separate letters) for each of them to access their own class.
How will learning activities be shared?
- Teachers will share a programme of work through the Seesaw app. This will appear on your child’s Seesaw app for them to complete and return to their teacher.
How will children share their completed work?
- Children will be instructed to share completed tasks via photo, video, uploading documents etc…
Will children need a laptop?
- Seesaw can be downloaded onto a device such as a phone or tablet or alternatively you can login online on a laptop or computer for example.
When can my child expect feedback from their teacher?
- Teachers will provide acknowledgement of completed learning tasks or feedback during the week. Where tasks are uploaded on a Friday, feedback may not be provided until the following week.
Please sign in with your Home Learning code following the steps below:
- Go to on a computer. Or install the Seesaw Class iOS or Android app.
- Tap “I’m a Student”.
- Scan or type in your Home Learning code, all children have been issued with these. Please ask the school office if you need it sent again.
- Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements.
- Remember, this code is like a password. Keep it safe!
Each student has a unique Home Learning Code to access Seesaw. When signing in with their Home Learning Code, students can post to their journal, respond to activities and view class announcements. Students do not see the work of any other student in the class.