Spring term
The Mummy

Fauna Explorers
Year 3 will be looking at plants this half term. We started our topic off by learning about the different parts of a plant and their functions. We used our best scientist skills to make careful observations and then we drew what we saw. Well done children, they looked great!

Colour palettes using oil pastels and water colour.

Perspective lesson.
This afternoon, we enjoyed looking at Chris Killip's photograph of Tyne Pride.
We worked really hard to show the perspective in this photograph.
The houses which are in the distance look smaller and the houses in the foreground look larger.

The Weather

Places of Worship
This week Year 3 have been learning about places of worship. We have been learning the different names for places of worship and thinking about the different architectural features of the buildings.
We have also been thinking about ways that people worship which might not be in a building.
Come and See
Thank you to all the visitors who came to support year 3 at this half terms Come and See. It was great to see you! The children enjoyed working alongside you to organise their research into the correct subheadings for their gorilla fact files.

As part of our new topic about amazing animals, year 3 has been learning Animal Yoga!
We have used different body shapes to depict different animals. Our balance is improving and our core strength is developing.
Can you guess which shapes are the following animals:
Lion, elephant, zebra, flamingo, giraffe, snake and butterfly?

Our trip to the Theatre Royal!
In our first week back at school, we enjoyed visiting the Theatre Royal in Newcastle to watch Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It was great fun and a fantastic way to start the new term. Here are some of our favourite moments!