Summer term
Our Class Trip to Blue Reef
We had a fantastic day at the Blue Reef Aquarium today. The weather was glorious so we enjoyed a walk along the sea front to start our day. We spotted lots of features of the seaside and looked for signs of seaside safety. Once we were back at the aquarium, we explored the different areas. We saw starfish, hermit crabs, anemones, rays and many other creatures. We enjoyed watching the clown fish and even spotted some red bellied piranhas. We then watched a seal show while we had our packed lunches in the sunshine. After lunch we had a workshop where we found out about the different rock pool creatures and got to touch a starfish and a sea urchin. They didn't feel anything like we thought they would! Here are a few photos from the day...
Saws 03/06/19
What a lot of saws we found in the Invention Shed, each one has a different job. We have bow saws, tenant saws, hack saws, joiners saws and even a jig saw. The children set about using the saws to invent a variety of different things. We had a great afternoon.
Come and See - Castle and Sun
It was 'Come and See' today and Year 2 were looking at the artist Paul Klee. They looked at some of his pieces of work before concentrating on 'Castle and Sun'. The class then created their own 'Castle and Sun' picture using shapes and bright colours. They used soft pastels and chalks to add colour to their designs. Thank you to all our visitors this morning - it was lovely having you in the class to see what we were doing.
Joining Materials 13/05/19
Today the focus in the Invention Shed was joining techniques. We discussed the different joins that we have already used and thought about how they could be used. Some children wanted to use nails, others wanted to join using a hole and some wanted to use string. We had a fascinating time inventing and made a very wide range of objects well done group.
Exploring Sound
This week pupils have been making instruments in Science. The class explored changing the pitch of a sound and how to increase and decrease the volume to see if they could play their instrument quietly or loudly.
Living in a Castle
We have started our new topic this half term which is 'What was it like to live in a castle?' This week pupils looked at the different jobs that were available inside the castle. The class researched the different roles and what they had to do before discussing which jobs were the best and why. The children were each given a role e.g. servant or gong farmer. In groups they had to create a real-life scene that may have happened and act this out to the rest of the class.