What is Assessment without Levels?
Use the term ‘attainment’ when referring to children’s levels of achievement.
We use the term 'achievement' when we talk about the progress children have made.
Each school requires an assessment system that monitors each child’s progress and attainment.
The tracking, monitoring and evaluation of a child’s attainment and progress take place daily in lessons, through questioning, marking and talking to children about their learning. It takes place weekly, termly and annually through end of unit assessments and tests.
We expect the vast majority of children to make 12 months progress in a twelve month period. This target is set against the National Curriculum objectives. Our target is also that the vast majority of children will have a deep level of understanding of learning in each subject.
Our expectation of all teachers is that they will use assessment effectively, every day, to ensure that the correct scaffolding is built into lessons to ensure that all children achieve at an appropriate level, and to an appropriate depth.
Language of 'No More Levels'
Emerging |
Children are acquiring and refining skills - yet to be secure in end of year expectations. |
Typically pupils will be able to name, describe, list, label, follow instructions and complete tasks. |
Developing | Children are practising skills - secure in majority of the end of year expectations. |
Typically pupils will be able to recall information, ask and answer basic questions, use, report, repeat, arrange, quote, define, illustrate, recognise and memorise. |
Secure |
Children are applying skills - secure in almost all end of year expectations and can apply their skills independently and confidently. |
Typically pupils will apply skills to solve problems, explain methods, classify, categorise, identify patterns, infer, organise, modify, revise, predict, interpret, summarise, make observations, estimate, compare, construct, relate, distinguish, separate, use context clues, assess, investigate, develop logical arguments, appraise, formulate, investigate, draw conclusions, hypothesise, cite evidence. |
Deeper learning |
Children are extending skills across the curriculum - developing a deep understanding of all year group objectives. |
Typically pupils will be able to solve non-routine problems, appraise, explain concepts, hypothesise, investigate, cite evidence, design, create, prove, connect, synthesise, apply concepts, critique, analyse. |
Tracking Pupil Progress
We track and monitor pupil progress on a daily basis, through:
ongoing assessment by the class teacher throughout each lesson, through questioning, observation, dialogue and marking.
Children knowing what they are being asked to learn and more importantly, why.
Three way feedback, pupil, peer, teacher with clearly identified next steps – this can be written or verbal feedback.
Regular pupils’ work scrutiny - by the teacher, in phase meetings and by subject leaders
End of unit and end of term assessments help us to assess progress over time - all data is collated and inputted onto the school tracking system.
Well differentiated tasks within the classroom environment.
Will my children still sit SATS?
In the summer term 2016, children at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will sit new SATs papers. This means that if your child is in Year 2 or Year 6, they will be among the first pupils to take the new test. SATs have been overhauled in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to reflect the changes to the National Curriculum, which was introduced from September 2014.