Monitoring and Evaluating the Success of Provision
Monitoring and Evaluating the Success of Provision:
A variety of methods are used to monitor and evaluate the provision and achievements for the pupils with SEN:
Regular observation of teaching by the senior management team
Analysis of assessment data, with high expectations for the progress expected between key stages for all pupils,
Assessment records that illustrate progress over time – e.g. reading ages
Pre and post assessments for those pupils who are withdrawn for targeted interventions
Success rates in respect of individual targets
Monitoring by the governor with responsibility for SEN
The views of parents/carers and pupils.
Questionnaire for parents of pupils with SEN, pupil views of additional and different provision they receive.
Regular meetings between SENCO, SENTA and head teacher
Provision Mapping – used as a basis for monitoring the impact of interventions.
LA SEN Review to externally validate provision and outcomes for pupils with SEN
For further details please see our SEN Information Report and our Annual SEN Report by following the links below