Summer Term
Fun Day in the Forest
We were all puddle ducks today for our wet, wet, wet fun day. We kept up our spirits by being super busy all day long: exploring and adventuring with Mr Vyle, playing our favourite games and creating with Mrs Merrix, and making and reflecting with Miss Luke. The children were positive and inventive the whole day which was hard since the weather tried to dampen everyone down. Well done year 2.
Summer A, Week 1
This week, we began using our very own school skipping ropes (with special counters on them) to increase our activity levels and improve our skipping skills. We can't wait to see how much progress we make!
Dance Fitness
Summer A, Week 2
In school this week, we have been extremely lucky to take part in dance fitness lessons! We've been learning some very cool moves and dancing to some of our favourite songs. Take a look at some action shots.
Summer A, Week 3
Over the last few weeks, Inamojo has started for us again after lockdown. We are thoroughly enjoying the calm, relaxing atmosphere and meditation time. This is extremely important as we adjust to some normality again!
A Human Board Game!
Summer B, Week 2
This week, we have started our Maths unit 'Position and Direction'. We have been doing lots of practice in our classroom and Mrs Merrix thought it would be a great idea to make a huge grid in our hall for us to use. We used ourselves as the game pieces and had great fun directing our friends, using mathematical vocabulary, to find the treasure whilst avoiding the traps!
A Spot of Gardening
Summer B, Week 3
Since our Science experiment with plants went very well and our plants were outgrowing their pots in the classroom, we needed to give them the chance to grow outside. Miss Luke helped us prepare our bed in the wild garden so we could sort them out. Take a look at us planting some of our bean stalks.
We have also taken part in the Hoopstars sessions in school this week - we LOVED it. It was so much fun to learn the correct technique for hula-hooping around different parts of our bodies and other tricks too. Tracy even taught us how to make hula houses!
Dead or Alive
Summer B, Week 4
In our Science lesson this week, we have been working out how to determine whether something is alive, dead or has never been alive. We learned all about what something must do to be alive and then we classified objects from around our classroom - we even got to look at some puppy and horse teeth and had a great discussion about those.