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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Summer term

Term 3b Week 3

The children's independent task this week was to make a bear cave in our construction area, they are getting very good at fitting the pieces together and creating enclosures.

Reception Won!

We got the attendance award this week with 100% - everyone in every day, well done Reception.

Last Weeks Super Writer

Term 3b week 2

All of the adults in school have been so proud of Reception this week for their hard work at our class assembly where we told lots of our grown-ups and all of the children in school about what we learned last half term.  We explained to them that lots of things grow and change, plants, caterpillars, children, we sang songs about plants and days of the week and we told the story of Jasper's Beanstalk.  

Last week's Super Writer

Term 3b Week 1

Mr Vyle, Mrs Newton and Mrs Heslop went with half of the class to the dene for Reception's first Forest School experience, have a look at the photos under the Forest School section of the pupil pages.


In class we have been learning to tell the Bear Hunt story, sequencing the settings used in the story and making all sorts of noises to represent us moving through these different environments.

Last weeks super writer

Last day of the half term

We visited Scotswood Natural Community Garden, it stayed lovely and sunny for us and we were able to explore the environment, go on a plant hunt, make a collage using items we found, look at all the different parts of chive plants, learn a new song and plant beans.  What a busy day!

Term 3a Week 5

The Beavers came in again this week during our Come and See morning so the Parents got a chance to join in with all of the activities that were on offer.

Last week's Super Writer

Term 3a Week 4

This week we have been looking at money and working out how many coins we need to make up different amounts, we are beginning with 1 pence and 2 pence pieces trying to remember to count on two when we are adding a 2 pence coin.

It was so hot on Monday that we took our yoga mats outside and enjoyed our Yoga Bugs session on the school field.

Last week's Super Writer!

Term 3a Week 3

We have continued to talk and write about Jasper's Beanstalk.  The childen have looked back over their previous sentences with an adult and thought about what they need to do to make it better.  They have then put this into practise by continuing their story and trying to remember what they are working on improving. 

Last Week's Super Writer

Term 3a Week 2

We have been learning to tell the story of Jaspers Beanstalk and using some hats and outdoor equipment to act it out.

Can you use these pictures to retell the story?

There is a new super hero in Reception!  Each week the staff will choose a child who has been working really hard at their writing, both during group times and independently on Friday they will wear our super writer cape for the day.  Here is last week's Super Writer.

Term 3a Week 1

This half term we are thinking about growth and change,Reception planted some bulbs and seeds just before the Easter holidays and are watching carefully to see them grow.  One of the home work tasks is to bring in a baby photo, then draw and write about how they have changed.  Mrs Newton will be creating a display in the classroom alongside current photos so that we can talk about how much we have changed.  We will be using the story of Jasper's Beanstalk to practise our story telling and writing skills and Reception has a new role play area 'Newburn Manor Garden Centre'.
