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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Spring Term

Why is washing our hands so important?

Spring B, Week 4


Although we have learned about how to stay clean and healthy, Mrs Merrix thought it was important for us to have a recap and really see how washing our hands with soap tackles germs. We did a mini experiment with pepper, water and anti-bacterial soap. When we dropped the soap into germ-filled water, the 'germs' were pushed away because of the anti-bacterial qualities of the soap! WOW!

Learning about Passover

Spring B, Week 4


With Mrs Wafi, we have been learning about the Easter story and Passover. We made our own Passover plates and learned how the Jewish community celebrate this time of year. 

I Wonder Why Penguins Can't Fly

Spring B, Week 3

Over the last week, we've been reading I Wonder Why Penguins Can't Fly (Pat Jacobs) as part of our Living in the Freezer topic. 

It has inspired us to write a narrative about penguins going to hunt - take a look at some of the fantastic sentences from our stories.


The flock of penguins huddled together. All they could think about was the tasty fish at the other side of the ice. (Ellie-Mae)


Waddling really quickly, Evie left the ice, diving from the North side to the South side. (Lucy)


Suddenly, Beau jumped out of the huge crack and landed on his feathered stomach and skated across the ice. (Noah)


He shuffled quickly before his floppy feet left the slippery ground. Flying like a golden eagle through the clear air, he landed on his sleek feathered stomach. (Hayden)

Gymnastics with Mrs. Ginns

Spring B, Week 2


Mrs. Ginns has been working with us over the last couple of weeks to start developing our gymnastics skills. In our first week, we looked at the shapes we can make with our bodies and this week we have been balancing! Take a look at what we've been up to...

Art Week

Paul Cezanne - Apples and Oranges

Spring B, Week 1


Year 2 have had a very creative week and have thrown themselves into this week with great enthusiasm! We began by doing some observational still life drawings of different fruit - taking inspiration from Cezanne. 

Mrs Merrix really wanted the class to focus on the small details of the fruit, so we looked even more closely at some enlarged images that had been sliced. We were able to combine our drawings to create a whole piece of fruit!

Here's for the wow moment...


Using polystyrene sheets, we engraved the lines from our observation drawings and were able to print with them. Using a large piece of fabric, we designed our own print. Doesn't it look amazing? Some of us have even started to add embellishments by sewing. 

Deciding to use the pineapples we were drawing from, we tried to not let them go to waste and use them for artistic purpose... we made pineapple prints! Using our sketching pencils, we have started to outline them to make the shapes pop; Mia said she thinks they look like bacteria and Beau said they look like a coral reef. What do you think?
Finally...we continued to look at shading using chalks and pastels over a lightened copy of our pineapple.

Dividing by Sharing

Spring A, Week 4


We have loved learning how to divide and used lots of practical equipment. We became experts at sharing amounts into groups, Fraser even said, "I could do this everyday!"

The Great Fire of London

Spring A, Week 3


Our history topic this half term is The Great Fire of London. Year 2 have loved asking questions about how it all started and we have been debating about which causes were most significant. Most of our deliberation was put onto our causation webs, where we have been linking causes and effects. Have a look below!

What is a 'material' anyway?

Spring A, Week 2


In our science topic, we have been learning all about materials and their uses. We have been grouping and classifying materials from around school and even hunted around our classroom for which materials we could find and what they were used for. 

Forest School


