Spring Term
Non-Fiction Reading.
Week 3
Year 3 have started reading Emily Dodd's book 'Volcanoes'.
They worked in a group to record their favourite facts about how volcanoes are formed. We learnt that volcanoes come in all different shapes and sizes and have different names.
Invention Shed 09/03/20
After our cutting and splitting of last week the children had a good idea about how they wanted to finish off their projects. Most children wanted to use the paint in some way. We also used tape. There were some great ideas as to what to make. Unfortunately the paint is slow drying so there is still some work to do. When the paint is all dry the children will be able to take their model home and if it needs finishing, maybe they could do it then bring it in to see what the finished object looks like.
Week 2
World Book Day.
Year 3 really enjoyed sharing their favourite bedtime stories with one another today.Check out some of their PJ's!
Mrs Hainsworth read Flat Stanley in the gorgeous sunshine in the afternoon. The children predicted that Stanley would hide in one of the paintings at a museum to catch the terrible art thieves, which he did! He became a hero and was in all the papers!
Week 1
We have been thinking about tone this week and working on our shading techniques. We used different types of sketching pencils, charcoal and pens to create light and dark.
We used a view finder to zoom in on different fruit and vegetables. The pattern and texture in a pineapple skin was really interesting and we were amazed at the colours we saw inside a red cabbage!
We drew the fruit and vegetables first but then used our drawings to create a press print design. The rollers spread the printing ink evenly on our design. It was really exciting discovering our prints as we took the press print off the printing paper!
Spring Term A
Week 5
This Friday, we all shared our last pieces of homework based on our Stone Age topic.
Here are a few of the amazing projects that we have enjoyed sharing with one another.
Year 3 have really enjoyed reading Stone Age Boy, written by Satoshi Kitamura.
They have used the story to help them plan and write the beginning of their own Stone Age adventure story. I am really looking forward to finding out what happens as the children's characters realise they have travelled back in time to THE STONE AGE!
Story opening written by Julia
A spectacular thing once happened to me. One day, I was day dreaming in the back garden, when suddenly, BANG!
I tripped and found myself falling deeper, deeper, deeper.
When my eyes flicked open and I started to wake up, I realised I was in a forest. To be honest it looked like the forest in my back garden. It was so cold that I ran and ran until I got warmer. While I was running, I saw something that looked like a tiny village but the materials looked different. They houses looked like tents and had torches. Outside there were fires.
Week 4
Stone Age Cave Art
Year 3 have really been enjoying their history topic about the Stone Age. Thank you for all the lovely homework that has been coming on over the past few weeks.
This week we have been researching Cave Art found in early Stone Age homes. We used our research to inform design ideas for our own Stone Age dwelling!
Week 1
Beauty and the Beast at the Theatre Royal.
Year 3 had an amazing time on their whole school trip to Newcastle Theatre Royal! We watched the pantomime of Beauty and the Beast in the grand circle. We thought the costumes were amazing and enjoyed joining in with all the songs. Our favourite character was the star of the show Danny , who was hilarious!