Most of our homework is via our virtual learning platform Seesaw which all children have access to and should have their log in details inside their reading record. If you have any questions about your child's homework, please see your child's teacher after school or pop a note in their reading folder. If you have any difficulty logging on please contact Mrs Hogarth in the school office on 0191 2674533 or e-mail on office@newburnmps.co.uk.
Please practise your child's sounds and letters daily and also read every day.
Regular homework will be provided after Christmas.
Year 1
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
Maths and English is given on
Year 2
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
On a Friday Maths and English is available on Seesaw for completion and spellings are given out via paper. These must be completed by the following Friday.
Year 3
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
On a Friday Maths and English is available on Seesaw for completion and spellings are given out via paper. These must be completed by Thursday.
Year 4
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
Year 5
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
Year 6
Reading book daily and record in reading record book.
On a Friday Maths and English is available on Seesaw for completion and spellings are given out via paper. These must be completed by Wednesday.
Paper copies are available at request.