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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Cognition and Learning

Cognition and Learning Needs


This may include;


Learning Difficulties

  • Moderate – MLD
  • Severe - (SLD)
  • Profound and Multiple - (PMLD)



Specific Learning Difficulties

  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyspraxia



  • Strategies to promote and develop literacy and mathematical skills with increasing independence
  • Advice and guidance sought from SENDOS (Special Educational Needs Outreach Service) and the Newcastle EPS (Educational Psychology Service)
  • Targeted small group support in class from the class teacher and teaching assistant
  • Small group or one-to-one intervention programmes are delivered to improve skills in reading, writing and maths e.g. Power of 2, Toe by Toe
  • Bespoke small group or one-to-one phonics interventions
  • Use of ICT where possible to reduce barriers to learning e.g. Mathletics, Times Tables Rock Stars, Lexia Reading, Nessy, Twinkl Phonics which can tailor their programmes to individuals needs
  • Use of support materials and resources such as Numicon as part of the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach to maths teaching and learning
  • Provision of table top resources, such as worked examples, to promote independence and ensure that learning is multi-sensory and practical
  • Opportunities for repetition of key learning 
  • Strategies and resources to support dyslexic pupils e.g. coloured overlays for reading, word banks to support spelling of key words
  • Additional processing/thinking time for responding to questions, completing tasks, sharing ideas
  • Advice and training from outside agencies and school to school support

