Remote Learning
Remote education provision: information for parents
This information is intended to provide clarity about what to expect from Newburn Manor's remote education where national or local restrictions require children and/or staff to remain at home.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home
What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?
On the first day of closure, the remote education that your child receives may be different from our standard approach whilst staff and leaders take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
From the second day, remote learning will take place via the Seesaw for School App with work set that matches (as far as possible) the curriculum the children would be receiving in school.
Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as if they would if they were in school?
Wherever possible, your child will receive a remote curriculum that best matches that which would be studied if they were in school. For some subjects, teachers may be required to make adaptations so that they can be accessed by pupils digitally - this may include access to texts and resources that would be readily available in class.
The curriculum provided will be accessed through the Seesaw for Schools platform with learning supported, modelled and scaffolded by your child’s class teacher.
Remote teaching and study time each day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Miss Morgan will set a sequence of English and Maths daily tasks for all pupils to undertake with the addition of weekly activities to run alongside these. Daily sessions: Phonics: will include sounds, reading and letter formation/writing – these sessions will be broken into small steps for Reception pupils Maths – number, shape and space. Lexia and Maths Seeds - online learning platforms Weekly: Extended English – responding to a story Music PE Daily Learning will be 2 to 3 hours. |
Class teacher will provide 3 hours of learning each day: English: Text based learning and activities with reading and writing content Phonics Maths Science or Foundation subject PE Link Extras: Lexia and Mathletics – online learning platforms Times Table Rock Stars (Year 2 only) |
Class teacher will provide 4 hours of learning each day: English: Text based learning and activities with reading and writing content SPAG Maths Science or Foundation subject PE Link Extras: Lexia, Mathletics and Times Table Rock Stars – online learning platforms |
Accessing remote education
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
We are offering an online curriculum offer through the Seesaw for Schools platform. Your child’s class teacher will be uploading a number of tasks to be completed on a daily basis. You will have received the login details and a QR code and ID code to access your child’s account – the school office can be contacted for any IT or login issues. Work will be completed and uploaded onto the platform where teachers will provide ‘live support’ for all pupils.
Lexia, Mathletics, Mathseeds (Reception) and Times Table Rock Stars (Years 2 and above) will also be available for daily access. All usernames and passwords have been sent home. Please contact the school office if you require them to be sent out.
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
Device loan
Any parents or carers who do not have an electronic device, or have multiple children
who are sharing one device, can contact the school office to request a device loan.
Laptops will be loaned out from the school with a receipt/contract system.
Internet access
Any families struggling with internet connection can contact school and discuss
Paper copies
Paper copies of all learning posted online will be available for collection from either the
school office or a designated collection point
How will my child be taught remotely?
All lessons and activities will be provided through the Seesaw for Schools platform. Your child’s class teacher will support pupils using the following teaching approaches:
- At the beginning of the school week, your child’s class teacher will upload a weekly timetable showing the lessons they will be receiving.
- Recorded teaching involving giving a video/audio introduction/instructions to the class; before getting the children to action a set work task. During this approach your child will have the teaching element provided by their class teacher with clear and precise instructions as to how to undertake each part of the recorded lesson.
- Recorded teaching from external sources will be used alongside your child’s class teacher, e.g. White Rose Mathematics and the Oak Academy.
- A daily web link will be made available for Physical Education sessions. These sessions maybe short activities that can be done in and around the home or a web session to work alongside e.g. PE with Joe
- Following the taught element of each lesson, the class teacher will provide a task for your child. These can be completed online using Seesaw response or written out with a photo uploaded by your child to the Seesaw platform.
- In addition to the Seesaw platform, your child will have access to a number of online programs/websites for support with reading and basic maths skills. All passwords for these areas have been provided.
Engagement and feedback
What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?
We urge all families to establish a routine to support their child’s education. Make sure your child is dressed, has eaten breakfast and is ready to begin learning at 09.00am. Remember to take regular breaks and to spend time outdoors exercising and relaxing in order to have a healthy life balance.
Daily interaction with online learning is expected. We encourage all pupils to access all of their activities to maintain their quality of education. The learning provided by your child’s class teacher will be part of a sequence of lessons so missed learning may cause confusion and misconceptions. We fully understand that some families are
sharing devices and this is not always possible, please inform us if you are having issues around this to determine if we can provide you with support. As part of government directives, school is required to ensure that all pupils are engaging fully with the offer and parents will be contacted on a weekly basis if this is not the case – normally through a phone call.
Please encourage your child to complete the assigned lessons and learning tasks. A good routine can be maintained through following the suggested timetable uploaded by your child’s teacher
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?
Through the daily monitoring of the Seesaw platform, your child’s class teacher will be able to determine how often the learning activities are being engaged with. If it is noted that there is limited or no engagement with the remote learning, your child’s class teacher will call you to see if there is any support needed and discuss any concerns or anything we can do to help.
How will you assess my child’s work and progress?
Through the Seesaw platform, your child’s class teacher will assess and feedback on pupils’ work. Feedback will be written or verbal.
Feedback may take the form of a comment; next steps direction, as well as the highlight/marking tool. Your child will also be supported with modelled video feedback to address misconceptions or errors in uploaded work.
Teachers will provide extended challenge tasks to develop higher-level thinking skills where appropriate or provide further scaffolded tasks if pupils find tasks tricky.
Where at all possible, ‘live support’ will be provided during school hours to all pupils via the Seesaw platform.
Some days, your child’s Class Teacher may be in school teaching vulnerable children and the children of key workers. On these days, your child will still receive feedback on their daily tasks but it may not be ‘live feedback’.
During partial school closures due to national lockdown, your child will be able to access a weekly Zoom tutorial for pupils who are working remotely from home. These sessions will be used to address whole class misconceptions whilst also addressing pupil wellbeing.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
We will work with families to deliver remote education for pupils with SEND by providing learning materials that can be accessed based on their individual needs. Where at all possible, learning activities will be differentiated.
Additional tasks, depending on need, may be set.
All learning activities will have explicit audio and visual instructions so that they can be followed by all pupils.
Our SENCO and Deputy Head will make weekly phone calls to the parents of pupils on SEN register to determine any support that is required.
We understand that younger pupils, particularly pupils in Reception and year 1, may
find it difficult due to their age to learn remotely. We will endeavour to make online
sessions fun, engaging and clear and offer any advice necessary to support parents. During partial school closures due to national lockdown, your child will be able to access a weekly Zoom tutorial.
Remote education for self-isolating pupils
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?
Pupils will still have all resources online in the same location and paper based packs will still be available for collection at the school office. This will be in line as much as possible with what children will be doing in school. Children will continue to use the Seesaw platform for all uploaded work.