School Logo

Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Uniform and PE

We have a school uniform at Newburn Manor Primary School. This has been devised by the governors of the school to be a smart, common sense choice which is good value for money for parents on tight budgets. All of our uniform can either be with or without a school logo. The choice is yours to make.


Our uniform:

  • Red Sweatshirt or Cardigan (with or without a logo)
  • White or Red Polo Shirt (with or without a logo) White shirt
  • Black or Grey Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore/Shorts or Red Gingham Print Dress/Playsuit (No leggings)
  • Low-heeled Black Shoes (not trainers, no logos or stripes) 
  • Black Ankle Boots (NO mid length or knee high boots)


 Our P.E. Uniform is:

  • Red or white T-shirt (with or without badge)
  • Plain black/grey shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Black Plimsolls/trainers 
  • Red hooded jumper


PE Uniform should be worn on the days your child has PE

Our uniform supplier can provide items with the school logo on including PE bags, reading folders, fleece jackets and waterproof coats.

These are available to order at

Uniform can be bought without the school logo from other retailers.


Current PE days


Children come to school dressed in their PE kit for the day.

Reception - Wednesday

Year 1 – Tuesday and Thursday

Year 2 – Wednesday and Thursday

Year 3 – Tuesday and Wednesday 

Year 4 – Monday and Wednesday 

Year 5 – Wednesday and Friday 

Year 6 – Wednesday and Thursday



Second Hand Uniform


We have lots of uniform in school that has been kindly donated by parents and is available free of charge to all parents. We have skirts, dresses, jumpers, cardigans, shirts, trousers, polo shirts and PE t-shirts, we also have a small amount of shoes, wellies and PE shoes. If you need any items, then either call Mrs Hogarth in the school office on 0191 2674533 or e-mail: We will send items we have home with your child or you can arrange to call in to the office to collect.

We can't always guarantee that we will have your size in stock as we rely on donations and all items have been washed.




