Partnership with Parents / Carers
Partnership with Parents/Carers:
Newburn Manor has positive attitudes to parents/carers and values their important role in their child’s education. Parents/carers are always informed when their child is placed on the SEN list and the graduated response, outlined in the Code of Practice, is explained to them. Parents are informed about Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service. This service provides information, advice and support at any stage of a child or young person’s education, and provides an Independent Supporter for families in the process of getting an Education Health and Care Plan. Parents are fully involved in the review process. Interpreters are arranged for parents who require translation during meetings. Written information is in accessible formats and sufficient notice is given for meetings to enable parents/carers time to prepare.
Parents and carers are regularly invited into school to partake in a range of different activities ranging from special assemblies and performances to our ‘Come and See’ mornings where they can work alongside their child in their classroom. The views of parents and carers are of the upmost importance to us. We value the opinions of parents and carers and continuously strive to find ways in which we can improve our practice through their support.
Parents speak highly of the school. They describe the school as being a place where their children can thrive and flourish.
(Ofsted, November 2022)
Family Support
Mrs S. Longstaff is proactive in supporting parents in a variety of ways, including home visits, liaising with agencies, organising activities and facilitating training. An Early Help Plan is used to coordinate support for children and their families who have a range of needs across the school.