Newburn Newbies
Every week, all children in school who have been in school, on time every day will receive 5 newbies (our Newburn Manor attendance currency). At the end of each half term they will receive a voucher which can be cashed in for items from the Newbie Store. Pupils can save their Newbies for higher value items. This also gives the pupils owner ship of their own attendance and punctuality as well as teaching them about spending and saving. We also understand that some pupils may, of course, have illnesses during the school year. By collecting Newbies on weekly basis, it means they don’t miss out on purchasing opportunities across a half term.
- 20 Newbies equates to 4 full school weeks
- 50 Newbies equates to 10 full school weeks
- 70 Newbies equates to 14 full school weeks
- 100 Newbies equates to 20 full school weeks
- 150 Newbies equates to 30 full school weeks
- 200 Newbies equates to 40 full school weeks