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Newburn Manor Primary School

Learning together, growing together


Our favourite books this year! 

We have read so many books this year and have loved reading, 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons' this term and linking it with our science topic about plants. We also really enjoyed, 'The Day I fell into a Fairytale' by Ben Miller and 'The Indestructible Tom Crean' which we linked to our history topic about Explorers and Geography topic about Polar regions. Ask us about the many books and poems we have enjoyed this year. 

Sketching plants, colour mixing and shading. 

We enjoyed our Healthy Lifestyle visit and activities with Adam and Nathan. 

The Wand Chooses the Wizard... we cut willow, whittled and made our own magic wands. 

We learned about different printing techniques and used rollers, natural materials, templates, a variety of inks and paints and found out about the work of several famous printers and artists. We evaluated our prints and talked about our favourites. 

Final PE sessions with Alasdair! We've had lots of fun throwing, jumping, developing our athletics skills and playing games. 

As part of our topic about Sustainability and plants in Science we made bug hotels. 

We used 4 figure grid references to find and locate places and linked our maps to areas we had visited and to our Zoo visit in Geography. 

In our outdoor Maths, we practised making turns clockwise and anti clockwise with leaves, giving and following directions and using lots of different positional vocabulary. 

We enjoyed meeting the author Alex Falase-Koya and learning about how he creates his books and characters and what inspires him. He gave us some good advice for our own writing and lots of us have started writing stories. We had lots of fun creating our own super hero characters. 

During Art week, we have been learning about mono printing and relief printing and have made a variety of simple prints in different ways. We explored the work of artists such as Bryan Wynter and discussed the techniques they have used and made links to our own work. We made impressed and relief prints using onions, sponges, natural materials, potatoes, our own stampers and rollers and explored changing one colour or detail each time in mono printing. 

We have loved learning how to play cricket this half term and have really improved our throwing, catching, batting, bowling and fielding skills. 

We used maps of Northumberland Zoo to practise giving and finding directions using cardinal compass points and mid way points. 

Makey Makey Piano 

We had lots of fun in our music workshop making music and testing materials. We tested metal, wool, fabric, our noses, hair and high fived each other to see how we could conduct the electricity to make music. We experimented with using one earth and positive charges and conducted our own tests. Our favourite part was testing graphite and playing as a team. 

Playing the glockenspiel parts to our friendship song in music. 

Cooking in DT. 

As part of our learning about Australia, we visited Northumberland Zoo. As well as seeing all of the wonderful animals and going to a Bird of Prey Show, having talks about Otters and experiencing lemurs close up, we learnt about Wallabies and other Australian animals. One of our favourites was Boots, a blue tongued skink snake, who had 3 eyes! We also liked seeing the sugar glider, Kookaburra and lizards. We loved feeding the Wallaby's willow though and had a great day in the sunshine. 


We've had lots of fun this week developing our skills in cricket, especially in batting and we loved playing Diamond Cricket. Well done to Mason and Zac for being selected as stars of the week! 

As part of our Geography topic about Australia, we explored recipes and foods from around Australia. We had lots of fun making Anzac biscuits in DT. Look out for some more next week! 


As part of our learning about Judaism, we found out how Torah Scrolls are made, why they are important and we made our own with some writing in Hebrew. We read lots of non-fiction books about Judaism, explored artefacts and shared stories about Moses.

Developing our fielding skills in cricket. 

We tasted vegemite as part of our DT topic learning about Australian foods. 

Exploring fractions using smarties. 

Group 2 had their final Forest School adventure. Thank you Mr Vyle for so much fun! 

We wrote recounts about our time at Forest School. Here are a few of our examples. We used suffixes, conjunctions and a variety of punctuation. 

Human or Physical? 

In Geography, we sorted famous Australian landmarks into human or physical and talked about why. We also used compass directions and learned about 4 figure grid references. 

Cricket Skills! 

We have started to develop our cricket skills with coach Alistair and had lots of fun bowling. 


We have been reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction books linked to our Australia topic and comparing them. We looked at shared themes, animals, facts, authors and characters and talked about our favourites. One of our favourites was based on a traditional tale, 'Blossum Possum'! We researched Australian animals and are looking forward to seeing some Wallaby's soon! 
