Autumn term
Come and See
Thank you to all the families who made it to our 'Come and See' morning this week. We had a great time learning about nocturnal animals and why they aren't afraid of the dark. We can't wait to conduct further research into our favourite animals and learn interesting facts about them which we can share with our friends and family.
We learned all about keeping our mouths and our teeth healthy in class with Rachel our school nurse. We know that we must brush our teeth for two mins, twice a day and that we should visit the dentist twice a year. We know that we should eat lots of fruit and vegetables and only eat sugary foods, drinks and sweets as a treat. We loved showing off our pearly whites to our friends!
Our visit to Beamish Museum
We had a fantastic visit to Beamish Museum to learn about toys and games from the past and to think about traditional tales at Christmas time and throughout the year. We explored different areas of Beamish in the morning. First we went to the Pit Village to see the old school. We met a Victorian teacher who gave us a taste of school life 100 years ago. We also met a lady who taught us about toys and games from the past. We played with toys like Jacob's ladder, yo-yo's, old teddy bears and dolls and we threw hoops over sticks and played tiddly winks which was great fun! We learned that many toys were made from wood, unlike our modern toys today which are often made from plastic. We also made our own thaumatrope from paper and string. This is an optical toy popular in the nineteenth century which we spin to see two pictures merge together. After lunch, we visited Pockerley Old Hall for a workshop. We had an amazing time helping Cinderella to make porridge, spinning the thread on the large wheels to make cloth for the Mayor, writing a reply to the Prince Charming's invitation to the ball using feathers and ink, counting the Mayor's money in his counting house and luckily we stopped Cinderella from eating a poisonous apple! We also travelled on a tram with an upper deck which was very exciting for everyone.The children loved the activities and they didn't talk about their modern toys at home once!
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark
We love this story! We spent time this week painting owls and writing about Plop the baby barn owl . Plop didn't want to be a night bird as he was frightened of the dark so he learned about night time and the dark through meeting lots of new people. As Plop got older and learned to fly, he also learned to be a night bird like his parents. Here are some photos which show us creating our owls and some of our finished writing which is displayed in the classroom for all to see.
Autumn Walk
We loved our autumn walk today. We found lots of signs of autumn like different coloured leaves on the ground, blackberries growing, pine cones and muddy pathways. We even found some apples and pears which had fallen from the trees in the orchard. It was great fun recording everything we found on our clipboards.
Fruit Faces
We absolutely loved making these fruit faces in Year 1! We ate a variety of fruits in the classroom before planning which we would use for our fruit faces. We then evaluated our designs and talked about how we could improve them or what changes we would make if we made them again. The photographs of our designs are displayed outside of our classroom for all to see.
We have read the story of 'Oliver's Vegetables' as part of our Harvest celebrations. We painted lots of fruits and vegetables to show our parents and carers during our Harvest celebration assembly and we know that we must eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables every day to help us to be healthy.
Come and See
Thank you so much to the parents and carers who came to visit Year 1 during our 'Come and See' morning. We had lots of fun comparing sets of objects using mathematical language like 'more' and 'less', 'greater' and 'fewer'. We also enjoyed thinking about our senses while writing in the first person as the tiger from the story of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' by Judith Kerr.
Painting Faces
We have enjoyed studying our faces this week and producing a painting of ourselves which will be displayed in the classroom for all to see.
The Great Exhibition of the North
We've only been back to school for a few days and we've already been on a school trip. Today we visited
the Quayside to look at exhibits from the Great Exhibition of the North. We arrived at the Sage first and watched a special animation called Bridges. It was about a fisherman and his dog on a journey up the Tyne. Afterwards we listened to different pieces of music through headphones. We had to create our own graphic score, using shapes and colour to draw what we thought of when we listened to the music. While outside, we watched the water fountains in the River Tyne and then headed to the Baltic. We looked around the Baltic at some of the exhibits about the future of where we live. We also got to see the Millennium Bridge turning to let a boat come through. We behaved so sensibly and really enjoyed our time at the Great Exhibition of the North.