Autumn Term
Term 1b Week 3
We have moved on to think about our sense of smell, we had loads of fun smelling containers which used to have smelly things in them, spice pots, bubble bath bottles, hand cream. There were definitely some strong reactions! We have been practising our writing by finishing off sentences with CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words like c-a-t, and p-e-n.
Term 1b Week 2
This week we were thinking about our sense of Hearing. We have listened to lots of environmental sounds on BBC Schools radio and guessed what they were and played a sound lotto game. On Friday we made shakers so that we could hear the difference between coins and rice in our instruments and practise loud, quiet and keeping a rhythm. In our Maths work we were thinking about comparative language, big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, smallest and ordering pictures and boxes from the smallest to the biggest.

Term 1b Week 1
We have had a busy return to school this week as we gradually attend more whole school activities, joining in with singing assembly and family group assembly as well as attending Friday Celebration Assembly for the first time.
Our new topic for this half term is 'How do we find out about the world?' we are thinking about senses in our first week we thought about our sight and had a dark tent with light equipment to help us think about things we can see and what helps us see better.
We have continued to work on our Phonic skills adding 4 more sounds, and are keeping up with our maths, subitising (knowing without counting) amounts up to 5. Reception took time to think about Remembrance day, Diwali and Bonfire Night, so many cultural events!
Making poppies


Counting amounts to 5

Our Dark Tent

Term 1a Week 8
To celebrate the end of our topic around ‘Dear Zoo’ we had John from Crazy Creatures come to our classroom and share some amazing animals with us. Reception were really brave and lots of the children touched or held many animals, chatted about them and thought about which ones would make the best pets. There were rabbits, corn snakes, tortoises, bearded dragons, a tarantula, chinchillas and a massive python called Sunny.
Term 1a Week 7
Shape Hunting

Term 1a Week 6
We have been learning about shapes, their mathematical names and properties, thinking about side, corner, curved, straight. We used shapes to make pictures and tried to remember the names: Square, circle, rectangle and triangle.
Term 1a Week 5
We made it outside around our school grounds on our Autumn walk collecting items for our temporary art. We talked about colour and size and compared our finds with each other. We saw signs of Autumn in the leaves changing colour on the trees, in the coolness of the day and in the leaves on the ground.

Term 1a Week 4
This is our first full week in Reception and we have continued to work hard and get used to our School environment. We have counted out pizza slices, been in the Water and Mud Kitchen spaces in our out door area. We were planning to go on an autumn walk and make Andy Goldsworthy style pictures but it has been so wet we have postponed that until next week. Mrs Wafi created autumn trees with paint instead.

Term 1a Week 3
This week everyone was in at the same time, Reception enjoyed seeing some friends they remembered from Nursery and all staying together for lunch. We have started to learn to tell the story of Dear Zoo using repeated refrains and actions, we are going to retell the story in small groups and draw story maps to help us remember the sequence of the story.

Term 1a Week 2
Our big job this week was making mini pizzas, the children helped to great the cheese, spread the tomato paste, and then choose toppings to add to their pizza. We cooked the pizza and ate them, the following day we used pictures of the making process to sequence the events and talk about how we made the pizza.

Term 1a Week 1
In our first week in Reception we explored the environment, got used to being in school with a small group of other children and began to learn some of the expectations of our class.