Letter from Mr Pickup
Dear Parent/Carer
We have completed our first week back at Newburn Manor and it has been great having the children in and around the building again. Each and every one of them has adhered to the new procedures in such a positive manner. Their attitude and focus has allowed for as smooth as possible start.
We always knew that the first week back would bring its challenges and that has been the case. Each night, we have evaluated our day and made changes when necessary to ensure that the children can move around the school safely, whilst enjoying their time back at school. This has meant that we have made changes to the school’s daily routine so that things run smoothly.
Having evaluated our drop-off and collection procedures, we believe we need to make a small number of changes to ensure that these times are made safer for the children. From Monday these changes will include:
Morning drop off:
- Moving Year 2 drop off to the school office gates at 8.45 am (this will be policed by a member of staff and the entrance to school will be coned off to vehicle access). Parents will drop children off at the green gates at the bottom of the ramp.
- Year 5 will also now move to the school office gates at 8.45 am and line up along the wall by their classroom where Mrs Gill will meet them. Parents will drop children off at the green gates at the bottom of the ramp. The entrance to school will be coned off to vehicle access.
Afternoon collection:
- Year 1 and Year 3 will be collected at 3.00 pm from the red gates at the front of school
- Year 4 will be collected at 3.05 pm from the tarmacked area between the school and the garden area.
- Year 5 will be collected from the school office gates at 3.10 pm.
- Year 2 and Year 6 will be collected at 3.10 pm from the red gates at the front of school
Can I please reiterate the importance of social distancing when dropping your children off and collecting at the end of the day, especially with the North East of England being an area of concern for COVID-19 transmission. Please leave the school site/surrounding area once you have dropped your child off to reduce the number of people at the front of school.
These changes will mean that the office will not be open to parents from 8.45 to 9.00 am.
PE will start from Monday, 14th September. On these days, your child is to come to school in their PE kit – red/white T-shirt, red jumper, black/grey joggers and black trainers/plimsolls. PE days are:
Monday: Reception
Tuesday: Year 4
Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 6
Thursday: Year 2
Friday Year 1 and Year 5
Can I please remind parents that jewellery is not to be worn in school. We have a number of children wearing earrings. If your child has just had them pierced prior to the start of term can they please be taped up during the period, they have to be kept in. Another alternative is to buy clear plastic earrings which are suitable for school. In all other circumstances can they please be removed whilst they are at school.
I would like to finish by thanking you all for the attendance in school this week. We have seen 97% plus each day which is a fantastic start to the year. As I said at the start of the letter, the children have returned with a fabulous attitude and they are already back into the daily school routine. We look forward to many more enjoyable weeks.
Thank you for your support.
Stuart Pickup
Head Teacher